Photo by Robin Silas
My first book, Autism Is Not a Disease: The Politics of Neurodiversity, will be published by Verso in September 2024.
I completed both my UG and PG degrees at King's College London, graduating with a BA (hons) in Spanish and Latin American Studies and an MA in Modern Languages, Literature and Culture. Whilst at King's I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent on my own research projects, particularly my MA Dissertation, which I titled Queer Habits: Identifying lesbian-like readings in the translations of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s love poetry.
I currently work as a copywriter and also have experience as a contributing editor at Bent Street, an Australian LGBTQIA+ Arts Journal. I write articles on a wide range of subjects as a freelancer, and I'm always open for commissions related to autism, neurodiversity, queerness, feminism, and jellyfish.